ATLAS Production Screen
The Production window is capable of audit cut production, cut index maintenance, cut rotation creation, and the entry of live tags and copy. We recommend that all people who are going to use ATLAS Production sit down with the computer, display the Production window and follow the procedures described in this chapter. The Production window is the central point of any ATLAS Production Room operation. Nothing can go on the air if the audio hasn't been recorded here. Each new ATLAS system that is factory assembled comes with a complete cut index and some sample audio cuts pre-installed, so it is ready to go as far as running the system. From the Start Screen, select "Production". From the Main Screen, press the (P) key to launch.
Production Screen
This is the primary cut maintenance and audio cut production area. All spots and other digital audio should be produced from this screen. This Production system is designed to be used on a separate computer connect to the Control room via the LAN. The Production window has the following features:

- Utilities: Located at the top of the screen are the utility tools. These buttons add more features to the Production screen and will be discussed in detail later.
- Cut Index: The middle of the screen is where the Cut Index is displayed. You may move through the index by using the (up), (dn), (pgup), (pgdn), or simply type in the cut number (if known) and press (enter).
- Record/Play Section: This section is used to record and play back all types of audio cuts. It contains three buttons (Play, Stop, Record) that are activated by using the mouse, touch or the (F5), (F6), or (F7) keys. The length of the cut is displayed in the time window. Below the time window is the EOM button. Pressing this button or the (F8) key will place an EOM on the audio cut currently being played. There is a red light inset into the letter O. This will illuminate when an EOM is being recorded or when an EOM is detected during playback. To the right of the time window and EOM button is the VU Meter. This two-channel (left/right) meter allows you to monitor signal strength during record or playback of audio cuts.

At the top you also have an events window showing the events currently in the play panels, an on-air countdown timer, a system time clock and four device status lights.
Selecting an Audio Cut
Preplanning and organization of audio cuts is important. You may wish to subdivide categories by specific criteria. For commercials, you may wish to put :30's and :60's in separate defined sections. For satellite liners, you may want specified cut number ranges for certain announcers. In formats that use links or intros of any kind, special care should be made to keep all the audio cuts for one jock or operator together so that they may be cut in sequence. Also, sweep intros that are placed on the log should be in sequential order so that the jocks may cut them by voice in order. Separate sweep liner sets for specific days may be used so that liners may be cut in advance.
To do any audio work, a cut must be selected before the cursor can move to the audio section. When ATLAS Production is first loaded, cut 2000 is on the top line and is selected automatically. Any cut index line may be displayed in the following ways:
Note: Spot recording of audio cuts is not allowed on cut numbers under 2000. In most ATLAS systems all audio spots including commercials, ID's, liners, PSA's and promos will be recorded between cuts 2000 and 9999. The cut index has been organized so that specific cut numbers store specific kinds of information.
- Direct Selection: With the highlight bar on any cut number, simply type in the new cut number and then press (enter). The system will instantly go to that cut and display it as the top highlighted line.
- Single Step: Us either the (up) or (dn) arrow keys to move the cursor one step at a time.
- Page: Use the (pgup) or (pgdn) keys on the keyboard to shift the screen one "page" at a time.
- Extended Page: Use the (+) or (-) keys on the keyboard to move ahead or back 100 cuts per time.
- Convenience Keys: Pressing the (home) or the (H) key on the keyboard will move to cut 0001. Pressing the (end) or (E) key on the keyboard will move the cut to 9999. Pressing the letter (M) key on the keyboard will move to cut 2000 which is the start of the audio cut index numbers.
- Mouse: Any cut line on the screen may be selected or highlighted for use by clicking on that line.
- Leaving the ATLAS Production screen: Except when you are in the cut index edit mode or are playing or recording an audio cut, you may exit the Production screen by pressing (CTRL+esc). Press (esc) to leave the overlay Production screen and return to the Main Screen.
The Cut Index Header
Each cut number that is used for digital audio has a header attached to it that describes the cut completely. The cut header is a separate file from the audio cut itself. An audio cut cannot run without the cut header. Movement of the cursor bar within the header box is accomplished by pressing the (enter) key or by clicking on the field you wish to be in.
- Creating or Editing the Header: Select a cut index number by typing the cut number (2000-9999) in the first field (cut #). Press (enter) and the cut header will display. You may also scroll up and down using the arrow keys, the mouse or (pgup)/(pgdn) to browse through the cut index until you find the cut you wish to create or edit. Move to the line on the screen and press (enter) or double-click on the line to display the cut header entry box. Then enter or edit the following:
NOTE: Some of the information entered to the header fields is displayed in the production screen columns. These items are indicated by BOLD type.
- Cut #: This is the cut index number that is the main reference to a specific audio cut, piece of copy or a control title.
- Description: (Required) This is simply the NAME of the cut.
CAUTION: The cut type is used by the ATLAS system as a control device. It is very important that all cut numbers have the correct type in place.
- Mono/Stereo (M/S): ATLAS systems that have stereo record/playback capability may play mono and stereo spots interchangeably. The system is generally defaulted to MONO in the system setup. So each time a cut index line is created, the MS field is automatically defaulted to M (mono). This can easily be changed by the user in the field. If you want to change it for this particular cut, then move the cursor bar to this field and enter either an M or S into the field. This can also be changed while the Production screen is up by pressing (ALT+M) (mono) or (ALT+S) (stereo) without calling up the cut header. You must enter and M or S prior to recording.
- Artist/OutQ (Optional): When used with a music audio cut, the artist name will display on the play panel of the audio cut. When used with regular cuts for spots, etc., then the field may be used to display the last few words of the audio as an "out cue".
- Intro: Used for music to let the operator and the system know how much time is available for an intro or opening to a music selection. This information must match the intro time as loaded into a music scheduling system and the cut type must be "HD" for the intro timer to operate.
- EOM (End of Message): With the placement of an EOM signal on an audio cut, any other event may be started with a specific overlap time. An EOM is determined by the number of seconds prior to the end of a cut (overlap) you wish to allow the next event to start. EOM marks may be placed while recording or playing back an audio cut. This will be displayed in the EOM field of the header as seconds and tenths of a second. If known, the EOM length may be edited into the cut header by moving the cursor bar to the EOM field and entering the required number of seconds and/or tenths of seconds. To enter an EOM while recording or playing back an audio cut, simply wait until you reach the point at which you wish to insert the EOM and then press the (F8) key or click on the EOM button. If a previous EOM signal exists, it will be erased and the new one will take precedence. In live and music systems, this signal can add to the production value. It is particularly important when the link codes that provide intros for music tracks are used as well as liner log plays and other events where tight production is desired.
- Tertiary: (Future Use)
- Start Date (Required): Enter the starting date for this cut. You do not have to enter the slashes. Press (enter), then the current date in the computer will be entered.
- End Date (Required): Enter the ending date for this cut. You do not have to enter the slashes ("/"). If you simply press (enter), then "T /F /N" (Till Further Notice) will be entered. No end date will be checked on T/F/N. If you enter an end date that is not the same or later than the current date in the computer, the cut index header line will display in RED. This is to warn you that you may have entered a bad date.
NOTE: By editing the "tfn=" parameter in the EWC.INI file, the TFN description can be changed to any combination of 8 characters.
- Protected (Y/N) (Optional): Any audio cut may be "write-protected". By entering a "Y" into this field, the audio cut cannot be recorded over or erased without answering a question popped onto the screen. We suggest that all PSA's, promos, liners, ID's and other standard material be write-protected. A cut may also be write-protected from the Production screen by highlighting it and pressing (ALT+P).
Skip Days (Skip Days of Week) (Optional): This is a numerical entry that allows each audio cut to run on selected days only. By filling in this field with the week days (Monday=1 through Sunday=7) that the audio cut or spot should "skip" or not air, extremely complex schedules may be handled very easily. When used with the audio cut start and end dates and as part of cut rotations, ATLAS will easily control sequences that have been extremely difficult in the past.
- Scheduling rule: If the field is blank, then the audio cut will run on all days that it is on the log or is part of a rotation.
- Day Restriction: Entering one or more day numbers for days of the week will automatically restrict the audio cut from playback on that day or days. The restricted days are treated in order, Monday through Sunday, days 1 through 7. Therefore, if a single "2" is found in the field, the cut will not run on Tuesday. If the field has a "24" in it, then it will not run on Tuesday and Thursday. Order of the entry of the days is not significant. Entry of a day 8 will restrict all days. This can be used as a temporary hold on the use of this cut. Careful use of this power skip day feature will finally allow you to always run the right spot(s) on the right day(s).
Include Code: This advanced feature can make any audio cut jock schedule sensitive and also toggle audio cuts in a rotation to play if the include code is activated.
- Link In/Out: (Future Use)
- Fade at EOM (Y/N) (Optional): When a "Y" is entered to this field, the selected audio cut will fade out at a predetermined rate. This rate is set through the EWC.INI file.
- Divert Drive (C-Z): Most ATLAS systems use a single hard drive for audio cut and data storage. However, it is possible to use several hard disks and assign a audio cut number to that drive. This process can be involved if several control room systems are using multiple hard drives for audio cut storage of music. Please consult ATLAS support before you do this.
- Schedule NBR (Number) (Optional): This is used to identify the schedule number which the audio cut or live copy is taken. This is required for the optional back interface from ATLAS to Super Log. This field is passed from the Traffic Interface to the ATLAS log but will have to hand entered here for audio cuts that were not passed at that time. Also, some ATLAS reports may use this as a sorting field in the future.
- Length (Display Only): Shows the exact length of the audio cut in hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of seconds.
- Sample (Sample Rate) (Display Only): Shows the sample rate for this audio cut. ATLAS allows variable sample rates for audio cuts. The system defaults to the sample rate set up in the EWC.INI file during setup.
Recording an Audio Cut
After creating or editing the cut index, the audio production can take place. Be sure that you have highlighted the cut number that you want to record or audition. Be sure that the cut index header has all the information necessary to identify your cut. Follow the sequence below:
- Entering Record Mode: Press (F7) or click the mouse on the Record button at the lower left of the screen to go into the record mode. The record start box will appear above the VU Meter section. In addition, the VU meters will become active for level set and any audio will be passed through to the monitor speakers.

NOTE: If you enter the record mode on an existing audio cut and escape prior to recording, the existing audio file will not be altered.
- Set Level: When audio is fed into the ATLAS inputs from the recording source, the on-screen VU meter can be used to monitor the incoming level. Adjust your levels from the dubbing source so that the indicator is near the 100% point (where the green and red lines meet).
- Start Recording: There are two ways to start recording: A window on the screen offers these choices:

- Start on Audio: If you want to begin recording on "audio", then close your audio input pots, press the (A) key on the keyboard, then start the audio. At the instant the system "senses" audio, recording will begin. Press (F6) to stop recording.
- Start NOW: When you are ready to record, press the (space). When the audio is done, then press (F6) or (space) again to stop.
Never peak over zero db! Digital audio is level critical. Over modulation will cause a very bad sound from the system. If you feed the ATLAS system input audio channels from the console, the "zero" level output at the console should actually be about -3 db to avoid over-driving the ATLAS audio device.
NOTE: You will need to practice a little to get the "rhythm" and "timing" to make good, tight dubs or original production. It's just like working with any new device that has an unfamiliar set of buttons. Once you get the hang of it, it's no harder than using any other recording device.
Playing and Audio Cut
After the recording is done, or if you just want to listen to any audio cut, press (F5). If you wish to stop the audio cut play back before it is finished, press (F6), click the STOP button or press the (space). If you wish to stop the audio playback on a specific device, press (CTRL+SHIFT) and (F1), (F2), (F3), or (F4) keys. The device status lights may be used to determine which card is currently in use. Red indicates that the card is active.
Cut Index Utility Keys
The keyboard function keys (F1) through (F12) ad more features to the Production screen. Here is a quick description of the keys and their function:

After an audio cut has been created or edited in a system that has separate control room and production room computers, it is necessary to be able to transfer the audio cut to the other machine or machines. This can be done by recording the audio cut onto floppy disk, thumb drive, etc. ("sneaker net") or by passing it across the LAN. To transfer an audio cut, press the transfer button or the (F2) key. A transfer window will appear with a list of your options. To transfer an audio cut while in the overlay Production screen, the system but be in a stopped status.
After selecting the transfer option, you wish to use press (enter) and the destination window will appear with another options menu. The options listed on this menu are determined by selections entered in the ProdPath.INI file. Select the desired destination option and once again press (enter). (pic)
The items on these menus allows complete flexibility in the movement of important data and in the maintenance of the cut indexes headers and sound files. When ATLAS was set up each machine received a predetermined location and "name" on the LAN.
If a LAN is not being utilized, then data like cut indexes or audio cuts (sound files) may be copied to or loaded from floppy disk, thumb drive, etc. However, this form of operation is limited by device size and is very limited in its practicality.
WARNING: We do not recommend (therefore support) the use of floppy disks, thumb drives, etc. for this kind of operation except in emergencies and will not be responsible for operational errors or limitations.

Pressing this button or the (F3) key displays a prompt that starts a search for a specific description match in the cut index.
When an audio cut is in play mode, pressing this button or the (F4) key will automatically play the last 5 seconds of the audio cut.

This is a utility allows the deletion of both a cut index header and a sound file. If there are copy and/or live tags attached to this cut or if the cut is write-protected, then a warning is issued so that they are not destroyed by mistake. There is no way in the ATLAS system to do a mass delete of audio cuts as this is far too dangerous and might cause destruction of all the audio cuts in the system if mistakes were made.

Pressing this button or the (F11) key will display two boxes with information about the amount of hard disk space that remains on your drive and the number of rotators that contain the cut currently being highlighted. It is important to check the disk space periodically as you do Production because of the large amount of space consumed by audio cuts.

ATLAS systems that are connected to the optional AS-28 routing switcher will need to select a channel (1-8) for audio input. This is accomplished by pressing this button or the (F12) key and then entering the channel number into the window.
Cut Rotation Tables
Most stations find that it is necessary or desirable to be able to deal with digital audio cuts in groups rather than as individual cuts when they are scheduled on a log for air play. For example, it is much easier to specify just one cut number for an ID or liner set rather than going to the trouble of placing each individual cut on the log.
How Cut Rotations Work: ATLAS can "rotate" up to 50 separate audio cuts per rotation index number. Cuts numbered 0450-1999 have been reserved as "Rotation Table" cuts. These rotation table cut index numbers are not reserved for just spots, liners, ID's and other production like magic calls. Any rotation cut can be used to "link" any group of related audio cut numbers together into a very efficient operation.
In addition, the use of rotation cut index numbers for spots allows some very sophisticated control of copy flights that will eliminate a lot of hard work and the possibility of errors.
- Sample Rotation Table using day-specific Audio Cuts: Assume that audio cuts 2005-2007 are linked together by rotation cut index number 0501 into a standard rotation that plays cut 2005, then cut 2006, then cut 2007 and then back to cut 2005.
Cut # |
Cut Title |
Type |
0501 |
Sears Weekend Rotation |
RT |
(Rotation Index - No Audio Cut) |
2005 |
Sears #1 (Wed-Fri ONLY) |
CM |
(Audio Cut) |
2006 |
Sears #2 (Wed-Fri ONLY) |
CM |
(Audio Cut) |
2007 |
Sears #3 (Saturday ONLY) |
CM |
(Audio Cut) |
Remember, however, that cut 2007 is allowed by its "skip days" set up to play SATURDAY only and that cuts 2005 and 2006 are allowed by their "skip days" set up to play Wednesday through Friday only.
When the 0501 cut rotation runs on the air, a curious and wonderful thing will happen. Because ATLAS always checks for the "skip days", on every audio cut, the Saturday cut (2007) will be ignored Wednesday through Friday. The Wednesday through Friday cuts will not play on Saturday. So finally, the age-old problem of getting the right spots on for the right days is solved. Just load them up for the flight and go. Even through the spot flight may run several weeks, the right spots will always run at the right time, every time!
Another extension of this approach is to include any number of spots into the rotation table and let them rotate on the basis of legal date ranges (start date and end date). This coupled with the "skip days" restriction can make an enormously powerful package.
- Rotation Tables in Jock Schedules: It is perfectly acceptable to make jock rotations for liners, ID's, jingles, "magic calls", etc. using the "skip day" and "include" codes. This gives great variety to the satellite programming and avoid repetition. Remember, however, that these rotations are "hidden" within the jock schedules and if there are problems they may not always be easily found until someone remembers that this is a programmed element.
If spot rotations for commercials are set up and not kept up to date, the system will finally fall through to a "sub" table. If a valid "sub" file cannot be found, then ATLAS will fill. This is especially important in SAT Mode for accurately covering local breaks.
Reserved Rotation Table Cuts: Several rotation table cuts are reserved for specific uses:
- "Sub" Rotation Cuts 0460-0469: These cut numbers are reserved for substitution tables that will automatically substitute a valid PSA, promo or other audio cut for any invalid audio cut that was scheduled by mistake on the on-air ATLAS screen. This function must be activated in the EWC.INI file.
- Spot Rotation Cuts 0500-1999: These cut numbers are used as jock schedule rotator numbers for ID's, jingles, liners and "magic call" table rotation sets. They can be used as desired between these numbers. We suggest that you keep liners in one continuous number group.
NOTE: When checking the length of the audio cut that is to be substituted for, if the cut is not exactly one of the lengths in the table above, the substitute table will look for the next length value, either higher or lower depending upon how "close" the length is to the next value.
NOTE: Regular "Sub" tables are "jock schedule sensitive", if suitable include codes are used.
The substitution rotation numbers are arranged like this:
- Cut #460 - Substitutes for LESS than 10 second audio cuts.
- Cut #461 - Substitutes for 10 to 15 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #462 - Substitutes for 20 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #463 - Substitutes for 30 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #464 - Substitutes for 40 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #465 - Substitutes for 50 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #466 - Substitutes for 60 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #467 - Substitutes for 70 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #468 - Substitutes for 80 second illegal audio cuts.
- Cut #469 - Substitutes for 90 second illegal audio cuts.
Displaying a Cut Rotation Table: From the Production cut index, select a rotator number (0500-1999) by typing the number directly or by scrolling the highlight bar to the rotator and press (enter). The rotator header will be displayed. You must fill in the header information prior to entering any rotation cuts. The information required is Description, Cut Type, Start Date, and End Date. You may use this window to enter up to 50 audio cut numbers (2000 and up) in any order. Audio cuts aired from rotator tables take full advantage of all the special features of the cut itself and is a way that the cut "skip day" and "include" features can be used to their best advantage.
- Entering a Cut number into a Rotation: After you have finished with the header information, type in an audio cut number (2000-9999) into the first table location and press (enter). To ensure that the cut number you have entered is correct, use the (up) key to highlight the cut and then look at the "current edit:" line near the bottom of the screen. The cut number, cut description, cut length, start date, and end date will be displayed. If it is correct, then press (enter) and move on to the next item in the table or (esc) to leave.
NOTE: Cuts may be entered in any sequence, but you must fill the first table (1-10) prior to entering any cut numbers into any other table. Don't worry about leaving spaces in the table, when the table is saved it will automatically condense into the correct form. You may also change the order in which the cuts will play by using the (space) to select the "next" cut to play in the rotation (the current next to play cut will be yellow in color) from this screen. You may also use (CTRL+D) to delete a cut or (CTRL+I) to insert a cut into the list.
- Auditioning a Rotator Cut: Once an audio cut number has been entered to the rotation table, systems with an independent production audio device installed may listen to or "audition" the highlighted cut by pressing (F5). Pressing (F6) to stop the audio cut.
Creating Macros
Macros are a very powerful tool for creating complex repeatable lists of events that may be called from the log or through the RTS with a single instruction or cut number. Macros are ideal for handling complex switching from one audio network to another, for involved transitions from music to satellite or vice versa, and for a special group of real-time events that must be executed with precision. Macros can be in rotations on jock schedules, Jock F/X, and Quick F/X too. Essentially a macro is a "mini-log" that can have up to 20 events, allowing a complex series of events to be run by ATLAS with only one cut index number being required on the ATLAS log or in the RTS. In general, anything that can be run on a regular log may be a part of a macro and a macro can be used any number of times. Cut index number 0400 through 0449 are reserved for use a macro cut.
Limitations on MACRO sequences
Macros are extremely flexible and powerful. However, inventive users may be able to create macro sequences that are "impossible" for the system to handle. We do not imply or guarantee that any conceivable macro will work simply because it is entered to the macro sequence. If it doesn't work, then try something else. Every digital control system has limitations.
- Event List: A group of sequential events on the ATLAS log that work together. (Example: A group of events making up a spot set.) An event list must have a definite ending point like a cosmetic space (0011), or a return to specific channel or a transition to a music cut.
- Active Cluster Marker: A cluster marker (0051-0075) is "active" if it has a legal time in the length field which will cause it to control the events following it in the spot set. A cluster marker that has no time entry in the length field must not be used as these zero length cluster markers will cause ATLAS to malfunction.
- RTS: Real Time Scheduler. This is described in a separate section of this documentation.
Macro Types:
- RTS Activated: A macro may be activated from the RTS as part of a jock or operator schedule or as a direct time operation.
- Closure Activated: A macro may be defined as part of a jock rotation as a liner, ID, et. and may be activated by an incoming logic closure from a satellite receiver, button box, etc.
- Log Play: A macro may be part of an event list like a stop set, newscast sequence, Jock F/X, or may stand on the log by itself depending on the system mode of operation.
Basic Macro Rules:
- A macro cannot start another macro and macros may not be nested inside of each other.
- A macro may be active in both the auto (music and/or satellite) and live modes.
- In Sweep mode, macros started by some external closures (liners, magic calls, ID's, etc.) will display a small screen box as they play but will not show on the screen.
- Macros that run as part of a log play will be inserted into the log stream but will not display each event on the play panels as they go.
- In the live mode, some control buttons like Stop (F6), Stop After (F7) and Start (F5) are active and will allow the operator some control of the events.
- When a macro has started, there may be some limitations as to the other features that can be active. It may not be possible to load the Production screen, the RTS editor, or to edit the ATLAS log. Most of these features will continue to operate if they have been activated before the macro starts.
- Macros can contain cluster markers, but special rules apply.
- If a macro is part of an event list that is preceded by an active cluster marker, but the macro itself contains one or more active cluster markers, then the cluster timing will always be based on the last active cluster marker in the macro. Only one cluster timer can be running at any given moment.
- If an event list containing a macro is preceded by an active cluster marker, and the macro does not contain any active cluster markers, then the cluster marker controls the timing for the entire group of events.
- Live copy and tags are not allowed inside a macro.
Loading a Macro: Macros are loaded much like cut rotators. Select the macro by typing in the macro number or by scrolling the cut index and highlighting the macro you wish to use. Press (enter) and the macro header window will appear.
- Fill out the descriptive macro name, cut type, start date, and end date. You may then enter up to 20 events of almost any kind. You may enter actual cut numbers, rotator cuts, pauses, time announce calls and any legal control cut numbers in any order. Macros may also be placed in the RTS real-time schedule jock call field and may be used as a digital audio control cut.
Macro Exit: Leave the macro with a control cut or cosmetic space (0011) at the end of the last cut in the macro. Press (esc) to return to the cut index display.
Live Copy Text
Live copy is a very powerful tool for those stations utilizing the live mode of ATLAS. With this feature you can create your own commercial copy and assign it to a cut number or you may add the copy to an existing digital audio cut for added flexibility. You may want to time the reading of your copy and enter this information into the time field so that when the copy reaches the top play panel, the timer will start a countdown that can be used by the jock for pacing. This feature may also be used in the production of text for weather reports, news, sports, or anywhere text can be used as an aid to enhance the presentation.
Creating Live Copy
To create copy, you must be in Production. Once you are in Production use the following steps to create your copy:
- From the cut index, select the cut number that you wish to use for your copy.
- Press (enter) to call up the cut index header window.
- If the header is for an existing audio cut, just change the TYPE to CP for copy.
- If the header is for an open audio cut and therefore is blank, fill in the description, time (if known), type (CP), start date, end date, and skip days fields.
NOTE: You must (enter) through all fields whether changes are made for the header to be accepted.
- Press (esc) to close the header window.
- Press (C) to open the copy window and start entering your copy. When finished entering copy press (esc) to close the copy window and return to the cut index.
- You may now schedule your copy on your log.
Deleting Copy
The time may arise when you feel it is necessary to delete copy from your cut numbers. To accomplish this, go to Production and perform the following actions: (pic)
- From the cut index, select the cut number containing the copy you wish to delete.
- Press (F2) to open the Transfer window. (pic)
- Select Delete Copy from the menu and press (enter).
- The Transfer window will be replaced by a Destination window.
- From the Destination window, select the computer you wish to delete the copy from and press (enter). (pic)
- The copy will be deleted from the selected computer. If you are on a network and the copy exists on other computers within the network, you must repeat this procedure for each computer.
Creating Live Tags
To create tags, you must be in the Production screen. Once you are there, use the following steps to create tags:

- From the cut index, select the cut number that you wish to create or edit a tag for.
- Press (T) to open the Tag window. (pic)
- Enter your tag copy as you wish it to be read.
- Press (esc) when you have finished entering the tag.
- Press (enter) to open the cut index header window and then press (esc). This will place a check mark in the tag column of the cut index for this cut number and lock the tag.
Deleting Live Tags
When the need to delete a tag arises, go into Production and accomplish the following actions:
- From the cut index, select the cut number containing the tag you wish to delete.
- Press (F2) to open the Transfer menu.
- Select Delete Tag from the menu and press (enter).
- The Transfer window will be replaced by the Destination window.
- From the Destination window, select the computer you wish to delete the tag from and press (enter).
- The tag will be deleted from the selected computer. If you are on a network and the tag exists on other computers within the network, you must repeat this procedure for each computer.