Radio Toolbelt (Project 'Hephaestus') - djbradio.exe
DJB Radio Tool
This tool is designed to provide additional features and capabilities to the automation system that are difficult (if not impossible) to do otherwise.
Please understand that this tool has no warranty, express or implied. If you decide to utilize this tool, you do so at your own risk. This is an unofficial extension to the third-party product and is not supported or endorced by the original product manufacturer.
It is possible to modify some of the defaults...
To do so, you can create a djbradio.ini file in the same folder as djbradio.exe. These will then modify the default value to these values and specifying them on the command line is no longer necessary; however, if you do provide them on the command line and they are different than what is in djbradio.ini file - the information provided on the command line will override the default.
The djbradio.ini file should contain the following:
The tool allows you to do several actions (commands) and each of these commands can have one or more options (values). Some options are required while others are optional and/or assume some sort of default.
shell export
DJB Radio has a concept of shells which define the overall structure of the log to be aired. It utilizes these shells during it's internal merge process; where you provide a log from the traffic/music system and DJB Radio then merges it into the operating log (automation) using the structure defined within the shell. Each shell is number starting with 1.
Please utilize the Production tool of DJB Radio to review these to determine the (number) as required below.
djbradio shell export (number) --base-path (basePath) --output (filename)
This is the most direct method of exporting a shell out of DJB Radio. The resulting file is a simple stright-forward CSV formatted file where the first column contains the column names. This file can then be opened in any text editor or even Excel.
djbradio shell export (number) --base-path (basePath) --output (filename) --special (special.csv)
The --special option can be utilized to inject specific avail types (with length) into each break.
TODO Need to document this more completely.
Additional Information
Toolbelt List
Release Notes
End User License Agreement